Protection of the data

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PayAdvisor is fully legal!

PayAdvisor ensures confidentiality in accordance with the Law, protects your data (Creditor) and those of your Customers (Debtors).Only information related to the invoice and your Customer will be requested and will be treated confidentially. Collection and payment will be made directly by the Customer to your account.

What does the Law say?

The Law prohibits :

  • The unauthorized disclosure of private information
  • Defamation, insult, slander, outrage
  • The disclosure of false information
  • Identity theft

The unauthorized disclosure of private information
Any prohibition on the disclosure of information focuses ONLY on information about natural persons.

PayAdvisor is exclusively for professionals (B2B).
Only holders of a valid European VAT number will be able to use PayAdvisor services.
The information provided on the PayAdvisor website does not apply in any way to natural people.
This restriction essentially concerns strict compliance with the rules laid down by bodies such as the CNIL (France), the CPVP (Belgium), the Privacy Commission (EU), etc.
PayAdvisor complies in particular with the new "European privacy Law" governed by the General Regulations on Data Protection (RGPD)

Defamation, insult, slander, outrage
The disclosure of information purposely intended to harm a legal person or a self-employed person, is heavily condemned by both national and European Laws.

PayAdvisor falls therefore within this spirit and prohibits any use of its website for inappropriate purposes or for the sole purpose of carrying, unjustly or unfounded, damage to the reputation of a commercial entity(see « examples prohibited by Law » below)

Identity theft
Identity theft means the appropriation of the identity of others.

PayAdvisor has implemented a strict procedure to formally identify the encoder of an invoice on its website. Any encoding on the PayAdvisor website requires a provision previously supplied by a named credit card . Prepaid credit cards are therefore excluded.

In addition, locks have been put in place to protect any possible victim. (see « Deptor Protection »)

Disclosure of false information
Voluntary disclosure of false information is prohibited by both national and European Laws. By false information, PayAdvisor essentially means issuing and sending false invoices.

PayAdvisor forbids the encoding of false invoices on its website and has set up a strict procedure to formally identify the encoder of an invoice on its website. Any encoding on the PayAdvisor website requires a provision previously supplied by a named credit card. Prepaid credit cards are therefore excluded.

In addition, locks have been put in place to protect any possible victim. (see « Debtor Protection »)

PayAdvisor commitment

PayAdvisor strictly complies with the guidelines of the DGCCRF (France), of SPF Economy (Belgium), etc.
The respect of the provisions enacted by these bodies tends to guarantee to the Users of the website a total serenity regarding its use.
However, the User of PayAdvisor assumes sole responsibility in the event that the information he/she provides is fraudulent, intentionally inappropriate or malicious.

PayAdvisor complies with the strictest respect of the Civil Code of each European country concerned by the use of its services.
Thus, as long as the information provided to PayAdvisor is factual, verified, verifiable, is not fraudulent and does not target a natural person, the User of the website will remain in perfect match with both national and European Laws.

Some examples prohibited by Law :

  • Defamation (Belgium) :
    Defamation is defined in Article 443 of the Penal Code as « the malicious imputation, to a person, of a specific fact which is likely to undermine the honor of that person or expose him/her to public outrage and for which the Law does not accept the proof of the fact imputed . »
  • Defamation (France) :
    « Any allegation or imputation of an act that offends the honor or consideration of the person or body to which the act is made constitutes defamation.
    The direct publication or reproduction of this allegation or imputation is punishable, even if it is made in doubtful form or if it refers to a person or body not expressly named, but whose identification is made possible by the terms used in speeches, cries, threats, written or printed, placards or posters incriminated.
  • Insult (Belgique) :
    « Anyone who has insulted a person either by facts or by writings, images or emblems, in one of the circumstances indicated in article 444, shall be punished by imprisonment from eight days to two months and a fine of twenty - six euros to five hundred euros, or one of these penalties only. »
    « Will be punished with the same penalties anyone who, in one of the circumstances indicated in article 444, has insulted by words, in his quality or because of his/her functions, a person depositary of the authority or the public force, or having a public character.( »
  • Insult (France) : Article R621-2 of the Criminal Code.
    « Non-public offense to a person, where it has not been preceded by provocation, shall be punishable by the fine for first-class offences. »
  • Outrage (Belgium) : Article 276 of the Criminal Code.
    « Any outrage (words, deeds, gestures or threats) directed, in the exercise or in the course of the exercise of their functions, against a ministerial officer, an agent depositary of the authority or the public force, or against any other person of public character shall be punished by imprisonment from eight days to one month and a fine of twenty-six euros to two hundred euros. »
  • Outrage (France) : Article 433 - 5 of the Criminal Code.
    « Words, gestures or threats, writings or images of any kind not made public or sending any object to a person charged with a public service mission, in the exercise or on the occasion of the exercise of his/her mission, and of a nature to undermine his/her dignity or the respect due to the function at his/her disposal constitute a contempt punishable by 7,500 euros in fine.
    A contempt is punished by six months imprisonment and a fine of 7500 euros when it is addressed to a person in charge of a public service mission and when the facts were committed inside a school or educational institution, or, at the time of the entrances or exits of the pupils, around of such an establishment.
    When committed in a meeting, the contempt laid down in the first subparagraph shall be punishable by six months imprisonment and a fine of 7500 euros, and the contempt laid down in the second ssubparagraph shall be punishable by one year imprisonment and a fine of 15000 euros.

Protection of you data

Apart from the information published on the website, no other data communicated to PayAdvisor will be released or marketed.

Data that will remain confidential are :

For the Creditor (*) :
  • name
  • contact name
  • address
  • e-mail address
  • phone number/li>
  • exchanges with the Debtor
For the Debtor (*) :
  • the responsible person name for payment
  • e-mail address
  • exchanges with the Creditor
  • the language of the manager

(*) Nature, wording and invoice amount are not requested by PayAdvisor

WATCH OUT : How does PayAdvisor ensure the identification of parties?

The identification of the Creditor has been verified :
  • Only named credit cards are accepted
  • A named card is a traceable identification source of the Creditor
  • Prepaid payment cards are thus refused
  • From this automatic control, the Creditor can start to encode his/her data
the Debtor identiication :
  • Debtor must be properly identified
  • The Debtor must be notified of the Creditor action: he/she must receive PayAdvisor notices by e-mai
  • An error, an accident or fraud, may prevent the Debtor from receiving these warnings by e-mai
  • Thanks to the VAT number of the Debtor, PayAdvisor has the official postal address of the Debtor
  • A postal mail will automatically be sent to this address within 26 days of the encoding date if the Debtor has not responded to PayAdvisor's requests

Debtor protection

Basic reminder: PayAdvisor accelerates the payment of your invoices.

1ére possibility :
The Debtor may temporarily suspend the PayAdvisor tracking of the invoice requested by the Creditor provided that he/she mentions in a fair and honest manner on his/her Space:
  • payment of the invoice
  • reporting an invoice error
This suspension will become final after confirmation of the Creditor.

2ième possibility :
The Debtor may stop, at his/her own risk, permanently the invoice tracking as long as:
  • he/she fills in a declaration (standard form available on the PayAdvisor website)
  • he/she sends this declaration by e-mail to PayAdvisor. This declaration will be accessible by the Creditor on his/her Space
  • he/she recognises that this declaration incurs his/her company in a civil and criminal manner

WATCH OUT : if this declaration proves to be fraudulent, the aforesaid declaration may be used by the Creditor for all purposes

PayAdvisor constantly reminds the parties: : "getting closer will do good to your E-reputation"

Creditor protection

Basic reminder: PayAdvisor accelerates the payment of your invoices.

The Creditor always retains control over the exigibility of the debt except in the specific case where the Debtor:
  • Completes an official unilateral declaration of non-accountability (standard form available on the PayAdvisor website)
  • Send this declaration by e-mail to PayAdvisor and accessible by the Creditor on his Space
  • Recognizes that this declaration commits him/her in a civil and/or criminal manner
    • Note 1: If this declaration is fraudulent, the aforesaid declaration will be used by the Creditor for all purposes
    • Note 2: If the Creditor disputes this statement, the PayAdvisor website will mention it on the Debtor record

PayAdvisor constantly reminds the parties: : "getting closer will do good to your E-reputation"


PayAdvisor is neither judge nor arbritator.
The Supplier / Creditor entrusts PayAdvisor with the tracking of his/her invoices.
PayAdvisor guarantees complete confidentiality for both parties.

What information is required about the Debtor?
  • VAT number
  • the e-mail address of the reponsible person for the payment (or the address e-mail of the company)
  • Number of the invoice concerned
  • Date of issue of the invoice concerned

What information is useful for controlling and customizing PayAdvisor communication?
  • Name of the Company
  • Name of the reponsible Debtor for the payment of the invoice
  • Language of the Debtor
  • Gender of the Debtor

PayAdvisor therefore does not ask neither for the wording of the invoice nor its amount. They remain confidential! (see « Protection of your data »)

Apart from these data, no information is requested by PayAdvisor.

PayAdvisor complies with national and European Laws on the protection of privacy (see « What does the Law say ? »)

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